Right now I’m watching the making of Rammstein's Mein Teil music video in YouTube. Great video, awesome song. Which brings me to reflect on cannibalism.
Cannibalism is a topic that is very sick and grotesque which makes it equally interesting. If we look beyond the gore and carnage, it’s intriguing to think of what compels a person to butcher and consume another human being. Of course there is the wide known practice of some tribes in Papua New Guinea, there is also this story about a rugby team whose plane crashed in the Andes but my favorite one is the incident in Jamestown back in the old days where “A man, his mind unhinged by slow hunger, killed his wife, salted and powdered her and has eaten a part of her before it was known for which he was hanged.” It kept me thinking and imagining for like an hour after reading that quote.
In my opinion, cannibalism is deeply rooted to our survival instinct. (See my previous post for further discussion) That and insanity. I find it really interesting; the event when a person is consumed by insanity but still has the most basic impulse of surviving. And minus the morality and rational thinking that comes together with sanity, everything goes.
Another thing that I (and others, I’m sure) connect with cannibalism is the fictional concept of zombies. Zombies for me are very fascinating creature. Besides the fact that they rise from the dead, I’m amazed by the fact that they still have the instinct to subsist thus bringing in the munchies.
But the main reason why I’m captivated by the idea of cannibalism is the fact that it reflects the extremes that humanity in general is capable of doing in order to survive. In my previous post I babbled about how humanity will do whatever it takes to keep living even if it will bring suffering to others. Cannibalism, my friends, for me is the best example. It’s survival in its most primal form. When everything, every minor bullshit that we hold sacred and consider important is lost in the face of starvation, all bets are off. I will fucking kill you, eat your meat, drink your blood and pick my teeth with bits of your bones when I’m done.
You are scary but I admit your rationale is interesting . . .