Thursday, March 11, 2010

In the Beggining

"The universe (he said) is the Great All, and offers a paradox too great for the finite mind to grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of a non-living brain - although it may think it can - the finite mind cannot grasp the infinite."
-Stephen King
The Gunslinger
The Dark Tower

The human brain can only store and process a limited amount of information. Yes, the boundaries and limitations of the human mind has not yet been completely mapped but it is not hard to believe that our brains are like hard drives and processors that have maximum speeds and sizes. The human intellect - is limited.
But it is indeed in the nature of humans to ask questions and seek answers - the endless quest for knowledge. And though I strongly believe that the mind is limited, I am also aware that we, humanity have a thing for pushing things to their limits.
Let's go back to the computer analogy. When a hard drive is full, we can erase old stuff that we consider expendable or obsolete so we can put in new and more useful information. The same thing pretty much applies to the human mind. If it's full or occupied with big ideas and things we know or think we know, the only way to learn new things is to let go of old ideas and replace them with better ones.
Evolution, Creation, God, Satan, good, evil. Which is which? Where did it really start? What the hell am I doing here? Where the fuck am I going? This blog aims to explore (not answer) these questions. I plan to bring in my version of things and ask you guys what you think. Please feel free to leave comments, wether you agree or not, or put in things that I might have missed. Im looking forward to learning new things from you good people of the world.

1 comment:

  1. this blog of yours is ONE BIG STUPIDITY like you !! It has no sense at all !! what is your solid evidence to support this goddamn blog of yours!! nothing.. well its like a bullshit to me..
